Old 05-18-2011, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Vicki W
I received the nicest package today. It was wonderful. Nina and I had a great time opening it. She seems to be getting the idea that these packages are not just for me but for her too. :)

My SP was Cheryl W. Wow, lets see if I can list everything. Some wonderful fabric, (I am having a hard time picking the prettiest), a recipe book, a magazine, a note pad, a bookmark, some cute scissor charms, Jelly beans (yummy), a little flag, pins, thread (such lovely bright colors), a treat for Nina and she was so thoughtful she sent some stick on letters for our upcoming VBS.

Wow, Cheryl thank you so much, I love it all. What a nice surprise after a hard day at work.
Oo... love that themed fabric also. Who does that line? Mm and recipes and thread and more pretties. Great box!
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