Old 05-20-2011, 11:25 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Washington State
Posts: 1,312

Originally Posted by sew cornie
Sherryl, that's really pretty! I've never worked with Minkie before . . . curious what the problems are . . . other than the $$cost$$.

I'm planning to bring my plaid houses to work on - started as the BOM, but has diverged into its own unique neighborhood. I'm going to cut out as many blocks as I can ahead of time and piece them there. Also may cut out some FWSQ blocks to bring and maybe a wool project. I'm debating about bringing Boom blocks to show-and-tell. Don't have any other show-and-tell to bring along.

What projects are each of you bringing to work on?
The minkie is very stretchy and when I quilted it on the longarm I had to secure it and in doing so it stretched it, then when I took it off the whole thing was drawn up and the edges didn't want to lay flat without major adjusting.

I am going to bring my Candlequilter Star paper piecing pattern, plus I am bringing a Jenny Beyers pattern that I hope to have all the pieces cut ahead of time. Plus I might bring the Bali Double wedding ring star paper piecing project that I am working on. Plus I might bring one of the IRR III centers that I am working on.

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