Thread: Ouch!
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Old 05-21-2011, 03:22 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 75

I have to share a story - I have a large family, and one Sat. morning while I was helping my Mom with the weekly grocery shop, we heard her being paged over the store intercom. My Mom went to the courtesy booth and was handed the store phone which had my Dad on the other end, (no cell phones back then) My Dad was in a panic because two of my brothers (twins -3 yrs old) were playing "so quietlly" until my Dad heard an ungodly scream. The twins were quietly playing with my Moms sewing machine and were having a blast until Thomas turned that big wheel, making the needle go right down through Peter's finger! Peter, naturally began screaming which made Thomas scared and STOP turning that wheel, which of course, made his brother stuck in the machine, needle through his finger! My Dad was so freaked out that all he could do was call my mother. We tease my dad mercilessly, since he's the engineer and oh,so smart! My brothers still love to hear that story!
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