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Old 05-23-2011, 12:18 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 847

Originally Posted by dgmoby
When Spring/Summer roll around, I seem to feel happy to put down my quilting and begin working outside in the gardens more. I love being outdoors. I think of quilting now as my colder weather activity and summer for out of doors type activities. This keeps it fresh and new for me. I rarely have time to quilt in the spring/summer, as I stay pretty busy outside the majority of the time. But, I did have to learn that it's OK to put it up for awhile, and when I get ready, it's all waiting on me - and I'm ever so happy to get back into it! Maybe you need a summer break?

Just my thoughts...
Debbie in Austin

The weather is great right now but later on when it is too hot to be outside is when I really enjoying being behind my sewing machine. We know how miserable our summers are here!

Vernell in Austin
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