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Old 05-24-2011, 01:09 PM
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Location: Arlington,Tx
Posts: 361

Well, we seem to be bareing all here, from chin hairs to bad bras!
I have little boobs,am big around and all the makers seem to think if you are big around you must be a D cup. Not. My bra would cut into me if I got it tight enough to not ride up and if it was loose enough it would slide up because I didn't have enoughin the cup to keep it down. I do private duty nursing and work 12 hours and by 2 am I felt like my living bra was eating me. If I wore a front hook I could undo the bottom 3 snaps but that was only while the family slept and would eventually have to hook up again. Finally I took a fairly good fitting bra ,cut out the snaps and put some elastic there leaving it sl loose. Now it was comfortable around I had to address the ride up issue. I cut off a tee shirt that fit slightly snug around and sewed it to the bottom of the bra. Now it is loose enough to tuck in my pants and it doesn't ride up. Finally I am comfortable.
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