Thread: My goal
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Old 05-24-2011, 09:46 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: MIchigan
Posts: 527

Hi I have been offline for a few weeks but I am now back to stay.

I have been watching the tornado's and have cried for those poor people. My goal is to make 100 childrens quilts as quickly as possible to have on hand for emergencies such as these. Luckly I have a large stash at the moment (I have several fabric angels that help me with fabric to make quilts for my
quilts for Kids group) and will work with my mom to reach this goal. I feel I have to show them I care in some way besides my prayers.

Teddy bears are waiting to be cut out and sewn also. I have a great 2 piece pattern that makes cutting them out and sewing them really easy. My goal will be 200 of these.

Even now as I am writting, two more towns have been crushed by major tornado's.

My prayers and Love goes out to everyone that is in any of these areas.

Please join with me and even if you can contribute one quilt or a couple of pillowcases (these are in great need in these areas also)please do so. Quilters are very generous and careing people and I would like to see us unite in this effort to bring some comfort to these great people in this time of tragedy.
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