Thread: My "new" 99
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Old 05-27-2011, 09:05 AM
Ann L
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Burlington, NC
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I went with my husband to pick up some things out of a house his aunt is selling and there were still a few pieces in there. She asked if there was anything I saw that I wanted as the rest is staying with the house. There was a sewing machine in a cabinet, and I asked if she was selling it. She told me to take it, she wasn't going to use it and not sure what the other people would do with it either. I was doing the happy dance on the inside. Wasn't sure what I got but it didn't matter. When I got home and opened it up, there it was a pretty little Singer 99. I looked it up and she was born on April 26, 1955. We are the same age, how about that. I guess today was my lucky day. :-D
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