Thread: WIP List
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Old 04-08-2009, 05:38 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: currently central new jersey
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i have waiting:

blue and white grandmother's fan:i'm so tired of looking at it, she can have it back

rob peter--all different colors and prints: need to finish putting it together. this was a big mistake.

square dance: i know it by another name, all the blocks are cut. and sewn, but not to each other.

silk courthouse steps: cut of silk ties. i need more pale colors. strips are being cut all the time.

someone gave me bits and pieces that i sewed into strips. i now have almost three yards of 30" wide, dog-ugly fabric. i was thinking of cutting circles for applique on a solid black ground but someone already did the black ground so maybe red. or use the strips for the ground and have solid circles?

AND for the grand finale---i have a wall hanging, 48 x 62, on the frame since november. i hate it.
it's a gift and i'll be glad to see it go! happily, my sister will love it.

i've sworn that i will NOT work on anything until that wall hanging is done. or i die, whiever comes first.
(anyway, i can't use the frame. only cut!
:oops: )

sooooo, i'm not nearly as bad as some of you really bad girls! LOL.
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