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Old 05-27-2011, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Lacelady
Originally Posted by sandpat
Oooohhhhh, what pretty batiks!! Thanks so much for the link (as IF I really need more help to lighten my wallet!)

Linda...I do struggle with my little piece selection also. I get into trouble when I find a combo that I really like then I find myself trying to repeat that...don't want to do that. I paw and paw through my stack that I've pulled for this project, lay the pile out, go get DH, make him play, argue that he is of course wrong, pick the pieces, carefully cut them, change my mind, toss the pieces and start over. The sad part is that when we see other's blocks, no matter WHAT you pick, they all look fabulous! LOL
Why is that Patti??? After all, we can all see the pics of Aie's blocks where almost every petal in a block is a different colour, and they look delicious. Yet when I came to try it, I agonised because I am so programmed for symmetry.

And Kathy, I have just started side four of the wide border, but I haven't put any circles on any of the sides yet, and I think I am going to add heart flowers too.
see? dis is what I'm talking bout! I fell in love with Aie's quilt the first time I saw an ad for her book. Put it in my mental list and kept going.
Then when I found out you guys were doing the quilt and finally gave in to my feelings instead of logic...snicker, no balance there...I cannot for the life of me just throw a bunch of different scraps together.
I'm destined to shed blood, sweat and !oh no! at least there's been no crying so far ;-)
For me, part of it is the cost, pride, and insanity!
who wrote that? I didn't write that word...did u see me write that "i" word? nope, nope, can't prove a thing! :lol:
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