Thread: IDT
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Old 05-28-2011, 09:00 AM
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Yes, but the neat thing about the Pfaff is that it has the IDT built in. You don't need to change feet. If you are using any of your feet you have IDT. I have sewn pants and never pin anymore, cause I never have more than an 1/8" difference when I get the seam sewn. It was originally designed to match plaids, but then they found out it works great for almost everything. I also like the 9 mm stitches on the Pfaff. Couldn't live or sew without my Pfaff!

Originally Posted by jobo49
I Have husqvarna machines . I have the walking foot attachments and I have no problems using them. You cannot use the attache needle threader when you have it on but that is not really a problem and if it was I would simnply thread my machine prior to putting on the walking foot. The new diamond has 2 interchangeable feet.
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