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Old 05-28-2011, 06:58 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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Originally Posted by drw1mjw2
Well, at least you knew what kind of meat it was. I hate eating 'mystery meat'. Very few things have I refused to eat but that bowl of chicken anus soup was too much for me. Looked like a bowl of rubber bands!
What? Oh my!

Once, quite a while ago, some friends invited me to dinner.
It was their chinese mom's birthday and she cooked!
Somehow, I ended up by being given "the special treat"
of two cooked red rooster combs on a saucer. So, not to offend anybody, I carefully cut them into the tiniest pieces possible and swallowed the bits whole. They were tough but completely tasteless so it was not a bad experience.

But, when I lived in Jackson Miss, one of the grocery stores sold chicken feet at their meat counter...and I think they were peeled. The only thing I can think is- that they became soup?
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