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Old 05-29-2011, 09:50 AM
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most of the time i dye and print my own fabric.

it costs me about $2.25 to make a yard of fabric.

batting costs about $2.50 a yard.

thread for piecing and quilting about $4

needles for piecing & quilting about $1

i typically make a 60x60 quilt with binding and waste - lets just say its 2 yards for the top and 2 yards for the back.

4 yards of hand dyed fabric at $2.25 = $9

2 yards of batting at $2.50 = $5

thread & needles = $5

total for a 60x60 quilt = $19

if i use some commercially available fabric too the hand dyed fabric would be $4.50 and the commercial fabric would be around $4.50 a yard so $9 changing to total to $23.50.

them i sell all of these quilts to support me and the family.
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