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Old 05-29-2011, 04:09 PM
Farm Quilter
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Originally Posted by applegramma
I love your first attempt of paper piecing. You did a great job. What is the name of your pattern, if I may ask? I would love to stitch it up myself! Thanks!
Thanks to all for your kind comments! The pattern was drawn by Candlequilter and called Candlequilter's Star. If you PM her she will email you the pattern.

This one block took me all day and a full bobbin - one up side is that I found it easier to frog the stitches with the paper on there. I think it may have been easier if I had sprayed the paper with 505 glue to keep it attached to the fabric, but I only stabbed myself with the pins a few times!

After doing this block, I am no longer afraid of paper piecing...and I'm excited to start on a paper piecing project I have had on my list for a year now!

Thank you Candlequilter for the extra help in making this block and I hope I got all the paper out!
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