Old 05-29-2011, 07:52 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2

Thank all of you for your input. I was quite embarrassed when I was reminded of the quilters right in my back door. I am not a quilter, but my grandmother was. I have two of the many quilts she has made over her lifetime...and believe me, she remembers every one of them!!
As far as the frames I have...I did find out that they were not my grandmothers. My dad actually found them in an old abandoned house. They are pretty cool looking in my bedroom I would say, as most everything I own is very primitive. I dont think I want them on my ceiling though. I'm really not looking to sell them, was actually just curious if they had value. However, there's something in my heart that tells me there is someone out there...a quilter...that would have such an appreciation for them and
would like to let me give them away.
Thank all of you for your replys and it warms my heart to know my question took a few of you back to some good memories.
Thank you again.
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