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Old 05-29-2011, 08:32 PM
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Bubblegum0077's Avatar
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Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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I think I've tried to figure this out once before, but I didn't have enough time to work the numbers. I had to get back to quilting. Let's just say it really does cost quite a bit of money from beginning to end when making one of these heirlooms. The fact that some of us get our fabrics at yard slaes, estate sales, thrift shops or GoodWill is just a bonus. Our time can't quite be figured into the price because if we did try to account for every hour of our time spent on the entire process a quilt could cost into the thousands. I don't know of anyone who would pay that much for it. Not to even mention if the quilt is finished on a long arm and the expense for that as well.

I once visited a handicapped woman in a small town and she made quilts by hand. I looked at a very pretty quilt in a king size and the price tag was $1250......I gagged and my husband thought that was totally outragous. Now that I am quilting and understand the process from beginning to end, I could see that her price was cheap for the size that it was. Can anyone understand the cost? Not if they don't understand the process and we all know this is a process. For every choice we make will determine it's final look. I don't know how many times I've had a fabric in mind and searched high and low in all my magazines to find the perfect pattern. This can take hours. Then the coordinating fabric. Well keep adding time. And maybe the pattern isn't rignt, so I keep looking. But I do have to admit that when I need to make a quilt it usually has a reciepent in mind and I try to work off that. After all, if it's going to be for a child then I will choose an appropriate pattern and fabric based on the child.

At the present time, I got my machine back out and fnished :
.....the baby quilt for a friend's baby shower
.....sewn on the label for my son's quilt
.....sewn on the label for my granddaughter's wall hanging
.....finished cutting and making 16 block squares for a friend's quilt. This will be posted as soon as the top if finished. And I must say I think it's coming out really nice. This will be a gift for her birthday which was May 6th. Delayed due to my husband's passing. So now I am trying to get back into the swing of things and I am pushing myself to finish some projects in the pending.

Happy Quilting to All
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