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Old 05-30-2011, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by romanojg
You say you hate yours so I'm going to ask you a question. Is it really that bad. I would love to have EQ7 but I figured that it would be cheaper to get 5 or 6 and since I don't have too much money that will have to wait. I'm pretty good a computers and I don't mind a challenge but I don't want to have to beat myself up over something either. So you don't think it's worth the price; right or wrong. I've heard alot of people on her rave about 7 but that price isn't in the budget so I figured also that if I got a lower version I could upgrade cheaper than the new one. Is it that bad?
I love mine. There are still things I don't know how to do and I didn't get any books with mine so it is all trial and error. But I am having a great time using it. I've designed so many things on it. It just takes practice. Yes, I would love to have EQ7 but it might as well be a million dollars to me. Go for it!! :D
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