Old 05-30-2011, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by fabric whisperer
mpeters1200 ~ the long bullet thing holds those weird tall spools. The thread gets wound on the long skinny spool, then that goes inside the bullet looking thing. That is the "bobbin" for my Model 27 Singer. Those bobbins are hard to find at reasonable prices, so when I saw them in that box at the sale, I grabbed it for the shuttle! :)

My son actually designed his first quilt when he was 7, it took us a year to make, because he did the majority of the work. Picked out fabrics, designed it, helped piece it, and arranged it for final layout then pieced. He helped baste it on the hand-quilting rack, he would come home and ask "Mom, I don't have any homework, can I baste?" He was in 2nd grade. Here is him working on his quilt :)

Now he is already asking to use my new 15 clone (the pretty black one I got Friday)
I love his quilt! Beautiful job!
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