Old 05-30-2011, 03:56 PM
Ps 150
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I heard some chirps earlier this week and now some pecks in my sewing room ceiling. DH assured me that they were just outside the sewing room, under the eaves, but this morning I saw the dust sifting down from my drop-down ceiling and could distinctly hear the flapping of wings. When DH opened up a tile, there were several crows, just flapping around in the insulation! I resisted the urge to say, "I told you so" and left the room while he fired off bb's into the attic, trying to scare the birds out. They squawked and screamed but we finally saw several leave through the eaves and DH boarded up that section...the joys of buying a home where there was clearly, little disclosure.

And, if that delay in quilting wasn't enough, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my gingham checks squared. Some of the fabrics were from a friend but one was a Wal-Mart special. It's just for a baby quilt but I'm generally a perfectionist so it's bothering me quite a bit. :? Time to retreat and do some hand embroidery.
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