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Old 05-31-2011, 06:27 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Dakota
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My dad made several that I gave to some of my lady friends and all he did was have a small circle of wood, took an old wire hander and cut off a piece about 10 inches long. made a loop on one end and made a hole to stnad it in and also put a wood dowel or short stick in another hole and we could use all the big cones we wanted to. I put a smalled cone inside so that it doesn't wiggle all over and yes I have been using this kind of thread for years ever since DH bought a big box at an auction sale for 17.50. I gave my DD in NY some, my MOM some and still have some. I have had to go and buy white, but have enough of the colored thread for forever. I also bought all the thread in the essentials pkg from Connecting Thread. So have ever color needed to use on tops of quilts also. They all match or there is a neutral color that I can use. I have NEVER had thread go bad on me. Why would it if you keep in dry and not where mice can get at it? Quilts wouldn't last as long as they do if the thread wasn't any good!!!! Quality thread should last forever.
I also have the side winder. I have a number of bobbins and when I am going to do a project I load up a lot of bobbins at least 10 to make sure all I have to do is stop and pull the empty and in with a full one. Works wonderful, have done my sewing like this for years. Used to make clothes and other things. Did not like to stop and wind another bobbin. Bobbins weren't that expensive back then. I just bought a pkg of 100 on EBAY for my FW, so that I can do the same with her.
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