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Old 05-31-2011, 09:03 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: WI
Posts: 706

As a mom this is where you have to get nasty- if the doctors are giving the -just wait it's not good enough. They need to be very specific.
Regarding school- and Mom's this is to all of you...
We are finding more and more that schools are telling parents what to do instead of parents putting their foot down and demaning the schools do as they are supposed to and be accountable to parents.
When I was in high school (29 years ago) I faced a dilemma that no kid should have to. My Algebra teacher insisted I was unteachable and whined so much about it she had me forced out of the class with a audit on my records. At the time I was releived not realizing the trouble this would cause.
I took the only class still open that late in the year which was drivers ed- a 1/4 credit. Come my senior year I was told I did not have enough credits to graduate and would have to go elsewhere to get a GED. When I went to the school I was told so sorry you're not our problem. I becamed furious and waited for hours for the principle to finally give up and admit he was in his office. He sat smuggly behind his desk explaining this wasn't their problem and I needed to leave. Now normally I am very withdrawn and avoid confrontation but this was not the time for it. I pointed out that he was the one who signed off the demands for me to be removed form a class based soley on what a teacher said and at no point was there verification of her claims or any disruption or conflict caused by me to her classroom mearly a student who sat at the back of the classroom doodling because nothing made sense.
It eventually came down to threatening him with a visit to the school board and media release of his mismanagement and abuse of his position. In order to get my diploma I had to return for another semester following me senior years and was required to take a full class load even though I needed a 1/4 credit which I did and recieved my diploma even though it was a year late. Do not let the school tell you this is you're only option. You have to fight for her and sometimes that isn't pleasent but if you won't no one will.
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