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Old 05-31-2011, 09:10 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 125

Originally Posted by MissJMac
Personally, I have no use for double knit in quilts. HOWEVER, I would never refuse a fabric gift from anyone. I'd be afraid that if I refused, the friend would think twice about offering the next time (and the "next time" might be a boatload of 100% cotton). There are many things you could do with this fabric, if you choose not to use it yourself: pass it on to someone that does use double knit; to a church group or local guild that make quilts for Vets, Children's Hospitals and nursing homes.
There's a market out there for this fabric
Mom made tons of quilts for Boliva[ orphan children]. She always took whatever material was offered. Sometimes it was just double knit, a few times 100% cotton;always with a smile and very warm welcome.She used lots of different types of cloth; not usually mixed in the same quilt. Never was her scrap bag empty. She always was amazed at how many quilts she made but the scrap pile never seems to get smaller. I know , 'GOD' BLESSED.
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