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Old 04-11-2009, 09:35 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 72

How in the world do you do it :?: :)

I have been looking at 2 free pattern sites for a block to use for my summer quilt. Sites are quilters cache and block central. I have started making a list of those I like the most. So far that is 8 but I have only started.

As of now I have only looked at blocks which names have caught my eye. So there ar many I have not looked at for I either know them for they are very common or the were more a pic like basket or flower. I like things that are not so common so I am checking blocks that are not known to me for this quilt.

Tell you EQ6 would be a big help but I do not have that kind of money and will not for a long time. So what would help me design a quilt without that program? I guess the cheapest thing is just a pen and paper.

Is there any other free quilt block sites I should know of to look into?

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