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Old 05-31-2011, 01:32 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: WI
Posts: 706

Dear Sooz- I'm sorry to hear of the issues you are facing. Perhaps I am off base but let me pose something to you. Some years ago I had an accute sinus infection. For months after treatment I couldn't make it from one room to the next without crawling and lying down. Eventually I had enough energy to get to the store for a refill on Synthroid for hypothyroidism. I asked the pharmastist if there had been a recall on synthroid because of the extreme fatigue. He looked in the system and asked how many of the steroids I'd taken to decrease the swelling of the sinuses. I told him the 10 days worth just like the doctor said- he said- Dear God woman it's amazing you're standing. Steroids take down the whole system and I should have only had 2 pills at the most So all that said- if they are giving her a steroid check with them. Also talk to your pharmastist. We have found over the years we get more help from them then the doctor- they know the meds much better.
If it hadn't been for a pharmastist we called to ask about a med given to my father-in law after a fall from a tree stand resulting in broken ribs- he would have died from a reaction between his liver meds and the pain killer had the pharmasist who was totally unrelated to his case hadn't caught the mistake by the doctor and the pharmacy that issued the med. Can also ask the pharmasist about meds that may be used so you can be armed when you see the doctor.
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