Thread: A sampler quilt
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Old 04-11-2009, 07:26 PM
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:) That is so wonderful that you and your mother spending time together quilting. I tried to get my mother to get involved in quilting, (especially since her mascetomy) so we could be together and spend mother and daughter time together and thought maybe quilting would become a hobby for her and keep her mind off other possibilites that cancer throws at you. Although, she is doing fine and of course (us girls) her 2 daughters are really (babying) her up, she says she just does not have the patience to quilt. SO! Guess what I came up with then? A PUZZLE that has a bunch of old ladies around the quilting table just having a good time. So cute!!! :wink: So, I told mom, "If I can't get you over here to quilt, then you can come over and we"ll put this puzzle together........TOGETHER!!!" She comes over one day, I was washing dishes at the sink and I look around in the livingroom at her and she's at the table I set up for us and I started laughing silently. She was over there trying this piece and that piece and could not find a piece to fit, so she just gets up and parks herself on the couch and that is all she wrote. :roll: .........Oh well, I have finished the puzzle and now I am framming it. There's only one problem, my dog chewed up or ate 2 pieces. I took 3 pieces away from her, of course there are chew marks on it, but more memory to the puzzle. I will cherish it. It is so cute. I just wish mom helped so there would be more memory of her. We took her today to get her Easter dress and pocketbook. That is more of her cup of tea. She was sooooo happy and like a kid running around looking at those clothes and pocketbooks. I was thrilled. I love her so! :thumbup: ..........Anyway, good luck with the sampler quilts, I think that is so cool. Ya'll have funnnnnnnnnn :thumbup:
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