Old 06-03-2011, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Kathie S.
Sizi, I hear a sewing machine calling Suzi, Suzi, come and get me I am yours. Come take me home. Suzi, please come I want to go home with you. LOl Kathie
I went, I saw, I made an offer (and I honestly don't know why) and I left. Yes, I do know why I made the offer - it was because it broke my heart that this ancient machine/cabinet was in the condition she was. My husband said "go ahead and buy it if you want but THIS one I will not work on" --- it was pitiful. The woman had a document stating the purchase date was 1877 and I believed it. Someone just didn't give a tinkers damn about caring for this old girl. She wasn't totally frozen but sure did have a hitch in her gitalong. What caused me to walk away other than the woman refusing my offer was the base of the machine: the paint was 3/4 flaked off and any restoration attempt would totally remove her decals She was all rusty (much more on the bottom), but her little decals were still showing through. The cabinet was pretty much askew and it WAS ancient. Anyway - the seller has my name and number and I asked her to call me Sunday night after her sale was over if she wanted a home for it, 'cause she said any leftovers were going to GoodWill. How I wish I would have had my camera with me but the seller hovered over me the entire time and I couldn't have gotton a picture anyway. What really worked well was the little button on the cabinet that when pushed caused the machine to pop right up. Ah well - will wait for another sale.
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