Old 06-03-2011, 12:24 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 94

I have enjoyed reading all the posts and learning from everyone but have felt guilty because I haven't had anything to contribute. Now I think I do! I have been reading arachnesobbsession's website and found some helpful information, She is conducting The White Sewing Machine Research Project and has posted White Badge Names. Scrolling through it I learned my Domestic Rotary 151, White Rotary and Dressmaker are all made by White. One phone call and I was able to verify the year each was made and either was sent a copy of the manual or told where to look for one (for free). So my beautiful turquoise Dressmaker isn't a Japanese clone after all!
The list does name a Challenge and Commander so they may not be clones. Hope this helps answer a few questions about "so who made my machine?"

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