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Old 06-03-2011, 05:41 PM
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When I see Sacramento, it brings back such nice warm memories.

Although it was during WW2 that I lived there as my dad was in the service and stationed in Sacramento. I arrived California while in the third grade and remained there throughout my fourth grade.....when he was transferred to another location and my mother and sister and I returned to NJ.

I can still picture both homes that we lived in during our time fact, they were 980 Third Ave., and 1609 Ninth Ave.
I wonder often if the neighborhoods are still there.

i better got off memory lane and welcome you to the board.....
I know that you will really enjoy it.
I sometimes have to shut down the computer so I can get things done around her.

Have a good weekend.......MaryJane

The summer before we moved there, we spent the summer and lived in a hotel right downtown......
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