Old 06-04-2011, 08:00 AM
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Location: Yukon Territory, Canada
Posts: 410

You know, I'm remembering a tv show that I've seen on HGTV here in Canada, called Sara's House. Anyone watch that?

She was renovating a home in the country...and her and her design partner were at a flea market finding inspiration and bits of furniture. They came across a beautiful quilt that they bought I think for $400. It was huge, it was white with yellow appliqued flowers...kinda like daisies...the flowers were huge, I think there were 12 of them.

Anyway, the designed the one room in the house around the yellow and white quilt, it was amazing!!!! I have a picture saved somewhere because I remembered that I wanted to make that quilt LOL.

Edited: oh look!!! I found a blog with the picture in it: http://sharonathome.blogspot.com/201...ichardson.html
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