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Old 06-04-2011, 06:53 PM
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Posts: 391

Originally Posted by joyce888
I had tons of patterns, notions and every possible do-dad for sewing. But now I just make quilts;...but I never can do a craft half way; again I have tons of fabric, notions, and every quilting do-dad there is. My husband calls me a fabric addict - and I think he's right I've always loved fabric.
"Fabric-addict"...well you've come to the right place, I think that could be said of most of us here! What is it about fabric that just speaks to you? Sometimes I think it is emotional, like memories. I am a complete sucker for anything that reminds me of our cabin, when I was a child. It is comforting. Better fabric than food, I say.;)

I used to sew clothing & home-dec., but really I can't seem to stray from quilting too often now. I do make the occasional costume for my older kids, or draperies as needed. I really need to go back to sewing my own blouses. For most of you, you will understand why. If you took the 5 women I see the most we couldn't be more different in shape; pear, apple, whatever you want to call us...tall, short, skinny, wide, busty,'s just not as easy as most men have it. In addition, I really hate shopping for anything that's not sewing-related. I'd rather shop for fabric & a pattern than try on clothes all day.

"A man's suit and jeans...very impressive!" As another member said, I couldn't agree more! Where did you get all the experience or are you just persevering?
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