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Old 04-15-2009, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Ninnie
Girls, girls, girls, I can't even get up in the middle of the night without checking to see what time it is. welcome back quiltncrazy. all I got is a quilt to cover him up with when you girls get done. :oops: :oops: :oops: by the way it is 1:26 am here. Just needed a sip of tea. :wink: :wink:
Good morning...finally, for me,...was so knocked out last night, all this excitement...gets my blood racing...then I'm pooped, LOL...but I got the magic 'pill'...for when the right TIME... comes...
who started this thread?...guess they think we are pirates, huh? do do do...
not a morning person, feel like crapola, till I get the pills, the tin man oil, the water etc. all flowing thru the veins...then baby, watch out!
so, now let's see:
Ninnie, you a voyeur? gonna throw the quilt like a net and then just sit back till we're done? hmm, might be a smart plan you have their...everybody fight...then just take what you want :wink:

Ducky and Blue are gearing up too...heard cowboys like it with their boots on,

blue, talking bout them BIG ol feet: - "you think that's bad, you should see the babies... their bodies are smaller but the feet are the same size!"
whoa, blue...even when they were born? boy, that musta hurt, yeeoow, all them toes!!! but then chickens lay eggs...even blue chickens?
shew! that was close...I had one, foot first, but she had teeny weeny tootsies, like them ears coming thru were a bit much :shock:

well, K, by process of elimination, and blue is adamant that she was just
'suggesting'...and claims she had no idea of the 'run' she would cause...and we all know, your always up to something, lol,...
probably like the mad scientist...lay low, just plotting and planning your next move...
and you and Butterflywing been in cahoots, and she knows all about them sex tricks!!! ...
not that you need any coaching, LOL...seen that hunk of yours.
BW must know stuff, you see that sweet, happy grin on her hubby's face in their pics?...
Bet Patti's hanging back, planning some fish to fry I'm a little shyyy, but when it comes to a man...woo hoo...tend to get a little 'pushy'...
Ducky had to remind me, that I ain't in charge...well, girls, depends on who takes the initiative...
and I know how women can be, when theirs a sale on fabrics...
pushing and shoving and hair pulling...beating each other with their purses - MINE, MINE, ITS ALL MINE...
boy am I tired when I get my paws on it!!! :wink:
Izy came, and saw all the commotion, and wanted to join in, but she is rather busy...think it's a ploy? She is one clever gal! She may be planning to wave her sampler quilt under his nose...oh no, nobody could resist that temptation...hmm, gotta get clever, I can't compete with that sampler...well, guess I will go ruminate on my next move, ttfn gals!
(don't do anything I wouldn't do, while I'm gone! :wink: )
P.S. anybody keeping an eye on Terri? say 'quilt' and she's there... :D
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