Old 06-05-2011, 01:56 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Originally Posted by nancia
small victory this morning! had to take my husband to the train and went past my very, very, most favorite, best bakery, not once, but twice. i thought about getting donuts, or pastries, my son is visiting and they'd make a nice treat for him, and, I DIDN'T. i just drove on by. to the world this means nothing, a big ho-hum, but you know what i'm talking about! i have to prove to myself every day that i mean it. i'm in it to lose it.
xylie, thanks for the encouragement! i have a huge problem with not eating, and then when i do, i eat the wrong stuff. i know better, but it's my pattern. aren't we all here because we have food issues? your idea about the soup is excellent, and the salad. this time of year i could eat my weight in freshies! i plan to take advantage of it.my husband is away for the week so my challenge is to have meals. i'm thinking seriously about the frozen dinner idea. i need to lose weight and dh needs to gain. two horses on the carousel, one up, one down! so this week i don't have to worry about him, i can focus on losing. i hope everyone has a great day! the weather is just perfect here, not too hot or cold. hope yours is wonderful, too!
Ya,I would do the meals too while he's gone.It's just hubby and me,I still fix him his,then fix me mine.If he wants a dinner of something else.Sometimes,we eat the same,sometimes we don't.There was a time,I only ate salads at dinner time.I got on the scales today,and I've lost 4 pounds since the 1st of June.Yeah!Was shocked.So now am 164 pounds.And like I said,I don't go hungry.In fact I also go down the soup isle at walmart,and when I get to the 'HORMEL' dinners that cost only $1.98 each,and are only 250 to 330 calories generally,I grab a bunch.Esp the chix alfrado,it is so good.Only I get one for each of us,because their just not big enough to share.I found out about those from hubby's step daughter yrs ago.Didn't even know HORMEL had a line of 'COMPLETE DINNERS'.Their not that big,but enough for one.I especially like their stew,too.Some I don't care for,like the chili beans w/potatoes.Yuk!Anyway,every time you get hungry,grab one of those once in a while too.Switch it up from fruits,vegies,and the soup thing.They'll fill you up and are low caloprie.I don't do candy,pop,chips,or any junk food at all.Hubby's step daughter was 330 pounds,and went on fen fen and ate these with a salad,and lost over 100 pounds.Made a believer out of me.Sadly tho,they quite the fen fen,and she started eating again.Got off the dinners.And gained to I bet 500 pounds,she was huge.Her belly was to her knees.She died last xmas from obesiety at only 59 yrs old.Sad.So,that's another reason I'm serious about getting and keeping it off.Well,I expect you to lose while he's gone.And if you have to kick start it,get some spirutien {from the health food store} no off brand,they don't work,and go to walmart and get their non dairy creamer.Mix 1 cup of hot water with 1 cup of creamer,stir to disolved,then pour in to a blender,add cold water to 1 qt.Put in 2 scoops spiruteine,blend.Add some ice too.Let it set a bit,it thickens up like crazy.Drink that when you get hungry throughout the day.You will drop weight like mad.And take multivitamins.Sometimes I do just the spirutien for 3 weeks.It cleanses your system or detoxes it from all the junk food etc,The 1st week is the worst,as it's harder,the 2nd week is better.The 3rd week your not even hungry,and your on a natural high and feel really really good.By then you should of lost 15 to 25 pounds give or take.Of course that's not for every body either.That stuff melts fat from the enzymes it has in it.It's expensive,but works.Google it and see if it's for you.I always have some on hand.Like now I'm losing again,but if I wasn't,I'd go on it for 3 weeks to kick start the losing again.Anyway,keep it up.Your doing what you need to do.No reason why you won't lose this month.Now,you have no excuses.
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