Old 04-15-2009, 10:46 AM
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I think I first got interested in sewing when the young wife who lived in the apartment in my parents house made doll clothes for me as a child. My mother had actually majored in Home Economics the few years she attended college. By the time I came along she was to busy taking care of 4 children and helping my Dad with their part time business as florists to teach me to sew. As the only girl on our block growing up I played with a little girl up the street who spent the summers with her grandparents as her mother worked. Her grandmother gave us scraps of fabric and the two of us spent countless hours handmaking doll clothes. I learned to machine sew in junior high school Home Economics and the rest is history. I made my first quilt from scraps from the clothing I had made while I was in high school. My parents gave me a new sewing machine as a high school graduation present. I was at least 30 before I met another person who was actually a quilter. I have only taken a half dozen formal lessons in quilting. I have mostly learned from TV and guild speakers etc.
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