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Old 04-15-2009, 07:44 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by butterflywing
the craziest thing i've ever done in my kitchen was to let my dh in before dinner was ready.
well, can't remember which holiday it was, but all the kids were here, and we were all around the table, and the subject turned to "places our kids have done it"...and quite uncharacteristically, my hubby says, "me and mama have christened every room in the house."
One of the girls said, "yeah, I heard about you and mama in MY bed."
I spoke up and said, "I don't know what your daddy's been up to, but I ain't been in nobody's bed, but my own."
Hubby just grins, cause he's got one nibbling on the hook..."I told you, we've been all over the house..." and he looked down,...
and now that he has everyone's attention, they notice he is looking down,
and this "nibbler"...shrieks, "oh my gosh, even on this table?"...
you should have seen the looks on all of their think they were eating off of something, that their parents, no less,
had been...frolicking on...and I'm laughing (at them),
and saying, "no, we never...I wouldn't ever...he's pulling your leg..."
it took a little convincing, but they have always believed their mama over their daddy any day. He wishes! :D
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