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Old 04-16-2009, 06:49 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 155

Yes I think the bottom one is Stassa,her name is Vinstassa,which means Silver fancy mare.Vinda means silver mare. They are both the same age,which will be 3 in May one more year and we can start to break them. Stassa is the darkest. Vinda has her main wore off from poking her head through the wire to eat on the other side of the fence.They look so much alike when we first got them we had to put a red halter on Vinda and a blue one on Stassa so we can tell them a part.

If you look on my web site on the History page you can see there Sire,he is in the left top corner of the page. This is the color they should be.If we are lucky, But so far Vinda is never as dark as Stassa,there winter coat is usually lighter.But the end of summer they get real dark.I call the my Icelandic twins. My hb gets after me he says they aren't twins..
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