Old 06-06-2011, 07:36 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: FROM: Idaho. IN: Georgia
Posts: 268

OK... I am feeling totally overwhelmed by life in general at the moment. My in-laws will be here in less than 2 weeks, and my house is a mess. Add to this that the AC in the main level of our house has died, as has the AC in both our cars, and the temp. and humidity here are both higher than normal. Can you hear me scream from where you are? EEEEEEK!!!

I have had unimaginable trouble getting my blocks to come out to the right size (regardless of what the patterns say, and how carefully I follow them!!), and my darn iron even messed up the block I made tonight. I changed the design so I could cut off the worst of the stain, and I think it looks pretty good now, but I am still SOOOOO frustrated! I am sending the block, but with the condition that if it bothers my partner at all, or if she is not COMPLETELY happy with it, she MUST tell me so I can make another one for her.

Anyway.... I finally have my blocks ready to mail to Vickie Veach, Barbara Foote, and Barbara Dippel. I am pretty sure I still owe blocks to PaintMeJudy and PokerDiva. PLEASE tell me if I still owe you a block and you are not included in this list!!!

Sorry to be venting like this to you all, but thanks for "listening"!! Also, a big thanks to my partners for the terrific blocks I have received, and for their patience with me! :wink:
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