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Old 06-07-2011, 09:39 AM
Ramona Byrd
Super Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

I've been helped a lot in my life from strangers, and tried to help others to pay it forwards.

But this bit of kindness was way over the top of anything I'd ever seen before. I was a single mom of two little girls aged 3 and 4 or so, traveling from CA to Texas to have them meet their GParents for the first time. Car was old but in fairly good condition, yet it stalled after dark on one of those dark roads down in Southern CA near some huge deserted lake. No one would stop..except for an old black man. This was in the early 60s, I refused his help, so he understood and went away. Shortly after he came back with his wife who acted like my Grandmother, ordered me and the kids (and my Dobe whom I had brought along as protection) into her car and took us home. She fed us, ordered the dog to go out back for a while and fed her too!! By the time her DH returned with my repaired car my kids almost refused to leave, and the dog looked like she would stay too if allowed. Mamma gave us a big Corning ware pot of stew, and flatly refused any money at all. Said that God would pay them back.
And to my utter shame I lost their name and address and never could return their pot or any money to pay them for their goodness that night. On the way home I drove around a lot in that area but never found them again.
And that car never did give me any more trouble for the rest of the time I owned it!!!
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