Old 06-07-2011, 10:49 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kentucky live in WV
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Could it be a "gene? thing? I think my DNA is flawed. I notice that my office and desk at work "keeps spreading each day - more paper...

Then there are my usb drives and computer desktop, more files, more downloads....Not to mention my bookmarks and favorites.

I get involved in too many projects at once in too many locations. I have too many books, too many magazines....post it notes every where. Notes to myself--that I can't find.

And as I posted earlier this week, in my attempt to organize my sewing room, I started moving out of one to another room and now I have two rooms messed up. I run back and forth trying to remember where I have something - so much wasted time. I wear myself out.

It just has to be a DNA thing.
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