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Old 06-08-2011, 07:00 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Middlebury Vermont
Posts: 225

You never know whom to trust these days. My mother is 96 and in a care home now. I moved her from my brothers home two years ago. She continuted to stay with his wife after my brother died. I moved all her belongings to my garage and went through things one piece at a time. I was shocked to find cancelled checks and check registers showing money she'd given the daughter-in-law and all her kids. I discovered over 200 thousand over the past 10 years piddled away to those parasites. Since I've taken over her finances they are no longer getting hand outs. Now they don't even visit her because they know they won't get a check. The lawyer says I can't do anything about it as it will be looked at as gifts. Needless to say, those kids are in the process of losing their houses with tax sales and foreclosures. They took advantage of her because she couldn't see or understand what she was signing and wouldn't admit to anyone that she didn't understand. Didn't take me long to file for guardianship, the only way I could legally stop them from getting her signature.
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