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Old 04-17-2009, 11:24 AM
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quiltswithdogs's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: San Francisco Bay-Area...Union City
Posts: 443

My favorite style is traditional patterns. I only have about 6 years of experience so I still have many many patterns to try. Fun!

But, this past Christmas was financially so hard, we could not afford to buy even one present even for our wonderful daughters. So, using only fabrics I already had, I made one for each of them as well as for my mom, sister and nieces. With my medical issues I knew I didn't dare make anything big or too difficult or it might not get done in time. So, I tried small quilted fabric landscapes and put them into frames that I bought with a gift card I had gotten for my birthday. So, it was all free and a huge hit! Of course, my sweet family members already have wallhangings, pillows, quillows, lapquilts and my daughters each have a bedquilt. So the "artsy" project was different and as it turns out, conversation pieces for their visitors. So, I like this landscape quilting too.

Always a history buff, when I go to a quilt show, I mostly love the traditional style. I must admit, however, that I am also amazed at the art quilts.. especially when there are people in it and with such perfect shading on faces that when you step back, it looks like a photo! I can't draw or paint, so wonder, how do they do that? Were they fine artists first?

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