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Old 06-09-2011, 06:55 AM
Jenni M
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Originally Posted by charismah
Kriscraft asked me awhile ago if I would be willing to make a quilt for her to give to her DSIL. The quilt was to be made form her Brother's shirts as he has passed. She couldn't bring herself to do it....I understood completely.

However, I knew I didn't have the time needed to dedicate to that project...and called upon my friend Jeri. Jeri was willing to take on the task. we got info from Kris of what kinds of designs, patterns, and types of things her brother and DSIL liked. Then Jeri was left on her own to create. I think she did a wonderful job and put in many special details for all involved. What an undertaking and a beautiful memory.

I had to study this quilt and think about how to quilt it because I didn't want to add to much...I didn't want to take away from it either. I had to be careful because there are really bulky seams. Jeri had to foundation piece all of the shirts( to muslin) because she wanted it to be sturdy and not all the shirts were easy to work the end it is all textures...and designs to compliment each block. I added water designs...stipple....I wanted to make that four patch in the middle of each border blend in with all the pin wheels I quilted it to look like a pinwheel to match the others.

I have to say that unexpected things happen when you are involved in a project like this....Your heart grows another inch so to say...and I am truly honored to be a part of it.....The trust involved in a project like this. The thought of easing a burden for make another feel close to her truly a blessing. a gift for all of us. This makes my job so worth it! Thank you! I hope you all love it as much as we loved being a part of this quilting process.

I know how she feels. I want so badly to make a memory quilt from my Joshua's T Shirts, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I can still picture him wearing them. My brithday is next week...I wish he was with me to share it. What a wonderful thing Jeri did for Kriscraft.

Hugs to you both,

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