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Old 01-24-2007, 04:35 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 76

HI again, Laura....what a small world, my kids live in Lewiston area! I LOVE it there! I only wish I was my grand babies are there.........but the midwest is where I'll stay for the time being. I have had some health changing jobs mid-term could be a disaster for me financially! It is wonderful here as well. As a matter of fact, the weather is much the same, our winter is somewhat shorter than yours, but as far a temp., it is very much the same. If we get some weather, seems like the kids get it in 2 days time. Of course, we don't have the Noreasters as you, nor the repurcussions from huricains... :roll: That is OK!

Nice to meet you...........stay in touch to talk! Nancy
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