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Old 06-14-2011, 10:26 AM
Google Goddess
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Central Indiana (USA)
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thanks for the tutorial for your pincushion, so cute

Originally Posted by wenot
I have had a lot of pm's asking me about the pincushion in my avator. I used no pattern and it's pretty easy to make, i thought i'd describe how i did it. When you look at the pic you should be able to figure out a little more how i did it.

This is how;, just sew two circles right sides together leaving an opening, turn, fill and close it. You can handsew some ricrac on the side seam if you like but you don't have to. Than with extra strong thread ( i sometimes use dental floss), sew trough the middle of the circle dividing the circle in 6 or 8 components ( pull the thread as you go along, to make the components puff a little). Now make a yo-yo slightly smaller than your pincushion, fill it a little and handsew it on top of your pincushion. You can sew some leaves from felt and sew these under the yo-yo if you like it. Just draw two leaf shapes on felt, cut them out and embroider with blanketstitch, add some vains too. Or just fold two squares of fabric on the bias and run a gatherstitch on the long side and pull. Now sew on two pretty buttons on top and on the bottom of the pincushion, if you can, sew trough the pincushion again to do this, to make everything puff more..
I hope this is clear, if not feel free to pm me again!
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