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Old 06-15-2011, 09:35 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Sunny Southern California, actually Riverside
Posts: 414

I mailed put my first block, which went to Lovingizabella yesterday. I am still focussing most of my creative energy on finishing the memory quilt I have already been paid to do. It was however a fun diversion and I am excited about getting more done. my mailbox has had nothing soft and colorful in it for many days and I think both the mailbox and my mail lady have noticed and are sad along with me. I am going to get the photo bucket thing going here as soon as I can do it or get my beautiful 21 year old daughter to do it for me. I am having fun with this amd am looking forward to the next one already. SEND MORE BLOCKS MY WAY!!! Lol JK. This is fun.
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