Old 04-23-2009, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by collettakay
I love it! What pattern did you use? Or did someone design it specifically for your purpose?
There is a pattern, "Country Village". The ladies each did a row. Some cautions: The rows did not have a 'finished length' stated. They did not all come out the same length, and these girls have that 1/4" thing down pat, so I'm certain it's the pattern. They compensated by adding extra background fabrics on the edges, and by spliting fence posts on each end of the fence row. I probably would have just made the gate opening bigger. Anyway, lots of adjustments. There was also some fullness in the piano key border. Kind of unavoidable, given the pattern. That's why I did the design in every other piano key - it gave the unquilted keys the ability to 'float', and not allow the fullness to be a problem. It's also why there are extra leaves quilted next to the fabric leaves.
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