Old 06-16-2011, 03:53 AM
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I just joined two weeks ago and have lost 8 pounds.......I think the Points Plus program is great as you can eat all the fruit you want, no points...A friend of mine lost 70 pounds on WW's and still maintains to this day...he's given me lots of good info......

For breakfast, I will have one slice of toast, and I use Arnold's Health Multi-Grain Bread (4 grms of fiber in one slice..the more fiber in your food, the less points), one egg, prepared in Olive Oil....Fills me up, and isn't that many points...or I have fruit, which is no points, and a low-fat vanilla yogurt like Dannon Fit & Light....

You just have to learn what foods to eat that gives you, shall we say, "more bang for the buck"...lolol Bottom line, stay within your daily points, and don't forget the bonus points each week, try to get your dairy, health oils, water, ect., included, and you will do fine...

If you need a support buddy, let me know...always good to have others around you that are doing the same thing...Also, I joined online and love their program, makes keeping up with your points so easy.....

Good Luck!

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