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Old 06-16-2011, 05:54 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
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Originally Posted by coloradosky
I, like you, quilt alone. My sister, however, is just the opposite. She needs and enjoys the closeness of the other quilters. I don't quilt to see how many things I can get done in six months to a year. I only pick the things I have in mind for one of my grandchildren and if I don't feel like quilting for a day or two I don't. If you get into a quilting group you have to gather everything up and transport it to class and back again. Maybe, could it be, that I'm lazy???
I quilt alone also. I just like the quiet, peaceful atmosphere or maybe if I am in the mood a little music and an ocasional TV show. But mostly I quilt alone because I can quilt a little, then put a few pieces in a puzzle (we have a puzzle going at all times) bake something, read on my kindle, or just in general do whatever I want. I am too lazy I guess, because I would hate to pack up all of my quilting things and go somewhere.
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