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Old 04-24-2009, 05:35 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Patti, she is great, very maternal looking, like a 'mother hen', with the smaller ones. hubby is right...he is sweet to encourage you like that. My hubby means to be encouraging, just he is a darn picker! He should take up knitting. (knit picker, lol) :D a few projects on front burners, so, my chicken/duck lap quilt is waiting on one of the back burners, to be cooked up. But it is a definite, bc a friend who loves chickens, and HAD three beloved ducks...neighbors three dogs, dug under her fence, while she and hubby were out, and attacked one of the ducks. I owed her a lap quilt anyway, and decided to cheer her up with a chicken/duck project.
So very glad I 'got the bug' and decided to do it. Have my patterns, design, everything all worked out,...was showing to my daughter, yesterday, along with a 'must get done', in a day or so, and she told me, Sue's duck died! I didn't know the poor thing, died. This is really going to mean something to her, even more! Nope, not an inside joke, a bunch of us, have really been egging each other on, to find out how much fun these chickies can be. :D
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