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Old 06-16-2011, 03:12 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Western Slope, Colorado
Posts: 354

More than forty years ago I was doing some mending after a thunderstorm had passed, when another flash of lightening and almost immediate rumble of thunder caused a power surge and the needle went thouugh my left index finger. I had reached for the piece in the machine at just the wrong time. The needle hit the bone and bent to come out on the side of my finger, It didn't hurt, just made me mad at myself.However the needle bent and I could not remove my finger from the machine. I called my sister-in-law who was staying with me. When she saw what had happened she became hysterical. Her screaming brought my eight year old daughter who was calm enough to go to the tool box to get a wire cutter to break the needle with, I had to go to the Hospital to have the darned thing removed as I couldnt get it out and Kathy certainly was no help. I drove the eight miles by myself as I has a five week old baby girl at home and needed Kathy and Donna to care for her till I got back home. Funny never did hurt.
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