Old 06-17-2011, 12:51 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
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Originally Posted by JHolm
Well today was my weigh in day and I paid for Sunday morning foraging. I gained 1 lb. I've been trying this week to get back on track I guess I'll just have to work harder.
I've been depressed and extremely tired, I haven't even toughed my quilting in two weeks. Somehow I have to snap out of this.

I hope everyone will have a good day. We're supposed to have rain for the next couple days.
It must be the full moon,or the planets aren't alined right or something.This has not been a good week for us either.Everything needs worked on or broke,and I was ill,and some of the things I did broke or back-fired.Just not a good month.Anyway,on the depression.It can be traced to a lot of things in our lives that don't bode well with us.Like missing sombody or something.When I went on disability,I was depressed for a long time and didn't realize it.I really enjoyed working,and being with other people.And then I was a couch potato at home,not doing a lot,but moping around.Then when I got divorced the 1st time,I was depressed for yrs and took up drinking.Not a good move.I became an alcoholic.I finely said,I got to do something,or I'm going to die.So I went to a dr. and told him I was depressed,and he put me on Aterax,or buspar.I take o.5 mg a day,and it made all the difference in the world.I began to snap out of it and quite drinking,and again changed my life style.Got some new hobbies,like quilting,and my life changed.I guess our lives are like losing weight.If we're at a platue,we need to go a different direction,and try something else.Take risks,and see if it helps.I've always done things I never done before,and was successful at them.At 16 I waitressed for a banquet.At 2pm,the afternoon cook didn't show up,so I said,I'll cook the shift.Never cooked before,or new a T-bone from a rib,or rare from well done.But I did it,with the help of the waitress who told me what they looked like.And was the youngest cook to ever been hired there.It was a big supperclub with a band in the bar and dance floor.At 7 pm,I had 4 bar maids calling in orders too.And I did it.Maybe you need to start something new,it's our mind telling us,we're in a quag- mire rut,and something isn't quite right.Could be relationships,if so,reach out and try to fix it.If it's boredome,start going out for lunch with a friend or even go to thrift store and poop around.Anything to get your mind occupied and off your depression symptom.You may need to see your dr. and tell them,or even a psychologist to get to the root of your depression.They can help work thru it.And you may need meds. maybe something is unbalanced physically or emotionally.It's like my washer.It leaked and shocked me.I got on the internet and found there were several possibilities.So went thru all of them and found it was the drain hose.It wasn't leaking while filling,not leaking while agitating,but did leak while spinning and when it began to pump it out.So,same with you.We need to start checking off possibilities.Maybe even get a paper and make 2 columbs.One for what makes you happy,and one for what makes you sad.Then start working on them to change or tweak them so you can move them off the list.Anyway,we are all here for you.We are anonomus somewhat,so you can tell us your deep thoughts,and we'll be therapy for you too as well.There are others on here too,that are depressed,so touching on this subject probably is time.As it will help others too,to figure out why or what is causing it.You are such an inspiration to us all.You incourage us and help us tremendously.So,we will encourage you too.We all need help from time to time.And when we do,we do need to speak up,so we can fix it,and move on.
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