Thread: Lego quilt
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:16 PM
Julie's free time
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Originally Posted by pjaco
This may be a stupid question...but is it ok to use a logo on a quilt ? Is it some kind of copyright law or something. I ask because I've wanted to make one for the Bejing Olympics but was hesitate because I wanted to use the "rings" logo on it. Not trying to start anything cause I love your quilt, wonderful work, more just curious.
I was not worried about the copyright law because I did not make this to sell or show. I won't be making any money off of this so if Lego wants 100% of the profits they can have it. I sure hope I don't get a Lego lawyer at my door....although my son would be THRILLED to have someone representing Lego in our house. Thanks for all the nice comments.
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